Blood flow and misalignment. Cause and effects, and how to Correct it!
Body Imbalance (Head/Neck Misalignment)
When brain health and healing messages CANNOT flow to all parts of the body due to interference at the point where the head/neck join, you may expect health problems to develop.
Body Balance (Head/Neck Misalignment)
When brain health and healing messages CAN flow to all parts of the body without interference, you may expect good health.
After receiving an EPIC Correction and restoring blood flow, which results in better communication, your body will begin to heal through its innate ability.
Strokes occur when blood flow is cut off from the brain, which begins to kill brain cells.
ACT FAST! There are two types of strokes:

If you believe someone is having a stroke, act F.A.S.T.
- Face – Ask them to smile. Look to see if one side droops.
- Arms – Ask them to raise both arms.Note if one arm drifts downward.
- Speech – Ask them to repeat a simple phrase. Listen for slurred speech.
- Time – Each minute untreated means brain cells lost.