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Low Back Pain

Can EPIC Clinics help with Lower Back Pain?

An estimated 80% of the population will experience lower back pain. It is one of the leading causes of missed work, and it costs the United States an estimated $25 billion annually.

A five-year study conducted by the U.S. Agency for Health Care Policy Research (AHCPR) found that only 1% of patients who underwent surgery for back pain benefited from the surgery.

Low Back Pain, Arthritis & Disc Degeneration

The spine, an incredible arrangement of bones, discs, ligaments, tendons, muscles and nerves, is designed to be strong, protective, and flexible. Most people take what the spine does naturally for granted – until something goes wrong. An estimated 80% of the population will experience lower back pain. It is one of the leading causes of missed work, and it costs the United States an estimated $25 billion annually.

What Causes Low Back Pain?

While some pain sufferers recall specific injuries that caused their lower back pain, the majority do not. Some state that one day they just woke up in pain. Some say that they felt the onset of back pain when they coughed or sneezed, while others recall they were involved in an everyday activity like putting on shoes or taking a shower when they experienced terrible back pain. 

Movements like these should not injure a healthy back. When they do, it can be the first indication of a chronic, underlying weakness due to spinal imbalance.

Can an EPIC Clinics Help?

The top two segments of the spine are especially vulnerable to injury or misalignment. When a misalignment occurs at the top of the neck, the spine compensates or adapts in an attempt to protect the vital nervous system it houses. This triggers a chain reaction from the top to the bottom of the spine. 

Upper Cervical care is based on the universal law of cause and effect. For every effect or symptom, physical or mental, there must be a cause. 

Upper Cervical doctors recognize that the body is a self-healing organism, controlled and coordinated by the central nervous system, which is protected by the skull and spine.

Using a gentle technique, Upper Cervical doctors locate and remove interference to the nervous system, allowing the body to heal itself naturally without drugs or surgery.

Align Your Spine

When the spine is aligned, it is extremely strong and stable. Misalignments of the upper cervical spine (neck) can cause disturbances throughout the rest of the spine and surrounding structures.

If you currently suffer from lower back pain and would like to seek advice from an EPIC Chiropractor, please schedule an appointment today. 

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Common Medical Treatments

Standard treatment for lower back pain in the medical community includes rest, over-the-counter or prescription painkillers, muscle relaxants, physical therapy, spinal injections, and surgery. However, a five-year study conducted by the United States Agency for Health Care Policy Research (AHCPR) found little evidence that these treatments are effective for acute back pain. This study also found that only 1% of the patients who underwent surgery for back pain benefited from the surgery. As part of the “first-line” treatment, the AHCPR panel recommends spinal adjustments and exercise.

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EPIC stands for Evolutionary Percussive Instrument Corrections. We are proud to be at the forefront of the evolution of chiropractic. No more guessing. No more experiments. We provide repeatable and predictable outcomes with breakthrough technology that you cannot get anywhere else.